Priory Country Park is a former gravel pits located on the South East edge of Bedford, adjacent to the River Great Ouse. Find us at Barkers Lane off A428, or in Priory Business Park off A421 Bedford bypass. Admission is Free with access to the Visitor centre and 2 hides, one overlooking the main lake and one on the Finger lakes. You will find Winter wildfowl, passage terns and waders, and Water Rail all year.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
29th December 2009
Pochard 55 (6f)
Tufted Duck min 13 (4f)
Shoveler 7 (1f)
Wigeon 5 (3f)
Also 5 Little Grebe on the navigation channel behind Kramer hide. 2 Kingfishers on the north side of the main lake and another on the south side by the hide. 20 Corn Buntings left the Crescent reed bed just after 8am. A double figure party of Long-tailed Tit along the Spit and a Water Rail calling.
From DK:
1 Blk-t Godwit S @ 0945. Also 1 Redshank.
Monday, December 28, 2009
23 Whooper Swans passed over the Park.
These are possibly the ones that were at Broom yesterday.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Boxing Day
Little ice free water. Highlights:
7 Bullfinch
49 Mute Swans
34 Pochard
6 Shoveler
6 Tufted Ducks
27 Coot
Saturday, December 19, 2009
19th December 2009
15 Teal
Main Lake:
Pair of Wigeon
11 Shoveler
2 Gadwall
4 Tufted Ducks
23 Pochard
There were 4 Little Grebe on east Fingers and a Water Rail in the Crescent. Little else on Fingers due to the ice coverage.
Treecreeper was seen along the navigation channel again. Little else until we reached the south side of the main lake where we had 46 Lapwing over. There were also approx 120 Redwing on/over Press Mead. At the fishing swim on the west side of the main lake we flushed a small wader (Common or Green Sandpiper?) which flew across to the island but didn't call. And finally a Kingfisher was heard in the north west corner of the main lake.
Despite a cold start a good mornings birding.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Saturday 12th December 2009
Starting off there were 6 male Tufted Ducks on the main lake up by the Sailing Club, another 5 males and a female over by the hide. There were also 7 Pochard and an adult female Goldeneye on the main lake. A lot of Mute Swans, 40+, again today probably due to the shooting coming from the vicinity of Octagon lakes. We also had 42 Greylag Geese over just after we arrived and they appeared to drop in over Fenlake although by the time we got around there, much later, there was no sign. We also had 19 Lapwing over north.
Little Grebe with breakfast
On Fingers there were at least 12 Little Grebe, 9 on west Fingers, 1 on east Fingers and another 2 in front of Kramer hide. At Kramer hide we were treated to a swim past by an Otter. Unfortunately it didn't hang around this week but you never tire of seeing them no matter how fleeting!
I forgot to mention, in last weeks entry, that we had a Weasel on the east bank of big Fingers. Amazingly we had one again a little further along the same bank this week.
We had flyover Grey Wagtail and Bullfinch and, finally, great views in the scope of a party of Redwing (6) feeding on the berries at the car park.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
After the rain ... 9th Dec
The list was made up as follows:
Gt. Spot. 1, Wren 1, Dunnock 3, Robin 2, Blackbird 2, Redwing 2, Blackcap 1, Blue Tit 9, Gt. Tit 8, Bullfinch 1.
This was our first chance to get out ringing for some while. Over the last six weeks, I have recorded 164 mm (over 6 inches) of rainfall (near the "Dead Centre" of Bedford).
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Saturday 5th December 2009

It was a Little Grebe day today with 6 on west fingers, 5 at the south end and 1 further up along one of the fingers. By the time we got to Kramer hide 5 Little Grebe had moved in and a further 2 joined them from the right. At least 1 of the earlier LG's was not present at Kramer Hide as it still had it's summer plumage making it easily identifiable. By the time we made it to the Dead Seat we spotted 2 LG's on west fingers, 1 being the Summer plumage bird. So there could be as many as 13 but probably somewhere between 8 and 13.

There were still plenty of parties of Redwing blogging about and several parties of Long-tailed Tits. Treecreeper was heard along the navigation channel and in the Willows around Fingers, between the Steps and the Dead Seat.

Kingfishers were very active with sightings around Fingers and 2 chasing about outside the main lake hide.
Very few Coot and Great Crested Grebe today although a single GCG had moved onto Fingers. A massive increase in the number of Gulls on the main lake this week with a lot of Common Gulls mixed in with the BHG's.
John had a solitary male Pochard and 2 pairs of Teal after I left.
ED: Forgot the Kestrel over the main lake island and the Sparrowhawk over Fingers.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sun 29th Nov
First off, 6 Pochard on the far side of the main lake. Next 13 Cormorants on the Sailing Club; more ventured to the main lake later but upped sticks when the boats took to the water. Then a count of the swans - first count 31, joined by 13 more in from Octagon Farm direction (shooting?) = 44, another count up and they've grown to >50, and then a final count took the total to 61.
Off down the main drag. Meadow Pipit calling left - so it's dog walkers. Because the rain had only recently stopped, there were more 'DWs' around at this time than normal, the 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock owners having banded together. Not much hope then.
By 'the rough', and again at the near end of 'the spit', 2 Song Thrushes. Nowt much on Fingers ('lily-pads') except a couple of Moorhens and two Little Grebe performing under the overhang. No Otters today. A few Redwings 'seeeping' away and a mixed flock of tits. An angler on 'big Fingers' had cleared every thing out except the 5 resident swans (that makes 66) and a Mallard. Returning to the main path, a duo of Robins having a territorial dispute, tails raised. All ended amicably.
Around the other side of Fingers, more tits and a Gt. Spot by the 'dead seat'. By the gate to 'the rough', a very confiding Dunnock cum Lanceolated, a couple of good views of Redwing and some Goldfinches. Nothing much doing, except for a disobedient Springer in the 'sheep pen' plantation until we got down to 'the Navigation'. The Teal were hiding up by now.
Kingsmead was quiet, but we found another mixed flock of tits, including 9+ LTT, our second flock, and a confiding Treecreeper that every one had a chance to see. Not alot on '100 acre' bar half a dozen Pheasants and about 50 BH Gulls. Today we decided to return via 'riverside' which was damp but not under water. This only turned up Magpies, Crows and a noisy flock of House Sparrows (not enough for a flock really, more like a family group). The latter seem to be staging a wee come-back in the town this year.
Not much worth shouting about today, but enjoyable, none the less.
I shall be doing the next walk on New Year's Day, starting 9 o'clock outside the Visitor Centre. Let's hope for better weather and more birds.
Friday, November 27, 2009
27th November
Saturday, November 21, 2009
21st November 2009

The Otter finally moved out of sight north along the edge of the spit so we wandered around to Kramer hide where a single male Teal showed. Around the back of Fingers another Teal was flushed. (DK had 9 Teal). Heading towards the rough we flushed many Redwing from the sheep pen. Odd Fieldfare joined the throng. Earlier we had 2 Sparrowhawk sightings which had put up parties of Redwing.
At the canoe slalom a single Grey Wagtail was spotted but was surprisingly well camouflaged as it hunted small insects. Another call from DK and we were heading towards Fenlake where we had a female Stonechat on the Reed Mace. On the way we spotted a Bullfinch in the scrub opposite the Barns Hotel.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
14th November 2009
Flocks of 12 and 18 Redwing were seen around the Finger lakes along with a handful of Fieldfare. A singing Chiffchaff was heard along the Spit and a Treecreeper was calling around the Crescent.
There were plenty of Goldfinch around again with a double figure flock around the Crescent.
Wildfowl were hard to come by again with a single female Shoveler and up to 3 Teal on Fingers. Also 2 Little Grebe.
Just a solitary male Tufted duck and a pair of Shoveler on the main lake. 20+ Great Crested Grebe, 20+ Cormorant and 30+ Coot also on the main lake. There was also a party of Common Gulls.
Kingfishers were seen at Kramer hide and the main lake hide.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
11th Nov
21 Coot, 25 Mute Swan (+5 on Fingers), 1m Shoveler, 18 Cormorant, 22 Gt Crested. Didn't bother counting the Black-heads but there was a small number of Common Gull, I noticed.
Also 2 Chiffs in the crescent reed-bed.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Sun 8th - cycle track walk
On 100 acre field and lake:- 20 Pheasant, 14 Stock Dove, 2 Heron, 70 Rook, 160 BH Gull, 20 Common Gull, 2 Mute Swans. 20 Canada over west. 2 young (20 yrs) lads ferreting plus white & tan terrier seen walking up alongside the Meadow Lane hedge.
Octagon pool (back of Canvin's):- 21 Greylag and 7 Heron spooked off by farm loader bringing in a large bag of something to spread on the field. 24 Mutes stayed.
Western field on Octagon (agin settling beds):- pair of Stonechat watched for some while; also 3 Sky Lark, 2 Meadow Pipit, Kestrel. 300 Lapwing pushed off Octagon fields (by farmer?), 100 of which landed on 100 acre along with 35 Starling. No motor-bikers today.
Meadow Lane:- 9 Long-tails, Wren, several Blackbirds, a few Jackdaw and an adult male Sparrowhawk creeping along at low level, disappearing into settling beds. Stoat.
Bottom of New Cut:- a few Goldfinch (5-6?), 3 Siskin, 2 Chaffinch, 2 Greenfinch, & a Chiff.
Ringing on Sat 7th
The catch: Sparrowhawk 1, Wren 2, Dunnock 1, Blackbird 4, Redwing 4, Chiffchaff 1, LTT 1, Blue Tit 4, Gt. Tit 7, Bullfinch 2; =27 birds.

The Chiff was adult and carrying lots of fat, i.e. very healthy. It was singing in the FL willows before we caught it / it caught itself. The 4 Redwings took us through the previous annual record to 18 birds this autumn. All the 4 (new) Blackbirds were in 'continental' plumage, but probably only from the Low Countries or the German plain according to their size.
Other birds picked up included a singing Linnet south, a Brambling blogging and a Kestrel seen off by 7 Sky Larks.
Full details on the Ivel RG blog site (see Links)
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Saturday 7th November 2009
It was hard work getting any ducks this morning with west fingers virtually empty excepting a handful of Mallards, a number of Moorhen and a single Little Grebe. At Kramer hide we had good views of a Kingfisher, two Little Grebe and three Teal (2m1f).
On the canoe slalom we had Pied and Grey Wagtail and back at the main lake hide we had a pair of Gadwall and a female Tufted Duck. Coot numbers were around 30, all on the south side while Great Crested Grebes numbered in excess of 20 and were widespread around the lake.
Goldfinch numbers were high with many heard and seen including a party of 13 at the beach. 4 Bullfinch were seen in the scrub opposite the visitor centre.
EN and Ed caught a young male Sparrowhawk in the rough. There were also a couple of reports of Otters around the finger lakes in recent weeks.
Fenlake now has a splash of water and had attracted quite a good number of Gulls this morning.
Forgot to mention the Mink which I watched at the north east end of the main lake as it climbed up into one of the small willows. Not sure who was watching who but it eventually slipped away unseen until a little further along the reed bed a Moorhen made a bit of a commotion as, presumably, the Mink passed by.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday 31st October 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
En passant

26+ Sky Larks west from 9am for about an hour; largest group =5. Redwings in small groups coming low, largest 9, and about 50-60 in total; the 3 birds we caught were all "out of fat" and neding a "square meal". Fieldfare - one group of 16 birds in the Fingers. Mipits indifferent at just 4 birds noticed going south. Best movement was a strong, tight group of Wood Pigeons, 125 in all, heading due south at a steady pace against a clear sky.
Also a couple of Siskin heard, a group of 3 Redpoll, some 6 'continental-type' Blackbirds in the Rough, with many more scattered throughout the park, just 2 caught, one of which was a definite "continental", again needing a good breakfast.
We are still catching new Gt. Tits; today it was 9 new and 7 retraps; 7 of the 16 were 'adult' birds, i.e. post-breeders.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday 24th October 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
400 Club
There are only 13 species that have reached the '400 mark' of newly ringed birds in the park over the last twenty years. Recently, Chiffchaff became the 12th and Dunnock soon thereafter the 13th. To date we have ringed well over 11,000 birds and 400 represents just 3.5%
The members of the Club are (with their current standings): Sand Martin (616), Wren (512), Dunnock (407), Blackbird (609), Reed Warbler (644), Garden Warbler (485), BLACKCAP (1283, = 1 in 9), Chiffchaff (430), Willow Warbler (450), L/T Tit (484), Blue Tit (1094), Gt. Tit (803) & Greenfinch (542).
The next (14th) member should be Robin, currently in the lead with 361, closely followed by C. Whitethroat on 344.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Saturday 17th October
A walk along the cycle track bagged 21 Lapwing on 100 Acre by the larger pit, also several pheasant on this recently ploughed area. Shame that all the teasels have gone as we were hoping for something interesting to make a snack stop there through the autumn. Also had a young Buzzard down by Meadow Lane, with the usual Crow in attendance.
Redwings to go
See ringing blog and click Ivel RG .
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Ringing 13th/14th
Vis-mig (14th): 7 Fieldfare W, 9 Siskin, 15 Goldfinch, 8 high-flying Blackbird, 6 Sky Lark SW, a few Redwings blogging about (?20).
See also -
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Swans up!
Today was a guided walk day. The first thing that everybody commented on was the number of Gt. Crested Grebes there were, at least 20 were easily visible. A Shoveler whizzing over the main lake was later found on Fingers (lilypads) but the 4 Tufted came in to land at high speed. There were more Song Thrushes than of late and the Robin numbers have certainly increased going by the amount of territorial song. Unlike summer, you don't have to multiply by two! A male Blackcap was seen in the 'rough'; also a Gt. Spot and 13 Goldfinch, ten of which decided to harass a hovering Kestrel.
A treecreeper was heard briefly, Long-tailed Tits were zipping about, the feeding station was busy with tits and a few Chaffinch, and ten Cormorants were espied in their alternative roost on Kingsmead shortly after the '5 minute' race hooter was heard. EN & DB picked up a Kingfisher from the Kramer hide as it shot across the water. It landed in the back of a tree which had everyone trying to locate it (apart from EN & DB). Even with the 'scope, it was a difficult one, but, eventually, every one managed to see its head at least as it twisted during preening. It was id-ed as a young bird.
Round the corner on 'big Fingers', 3 Teal were semi-hidden under a "weeping" willow and a Moorhen spooked the only Gadwall of the day. A dozen Coot or more were making their way across to the island, having been herded to the main path shore by the sailing boats.
We looked at a few berry bushes on the way round. Here are a few more of my pics(better than the other post, I hope!)

Your next chance - November 29th (9am). Bound to be colder by then so wrap up.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Friday 9th Oct
3 Golden Plover SE, 3 Mistle Thrush SE, 4 Redwing (blogging), 2 Blackcap, Chiff (abietinus type; caught = female), 5 Mipits S/SE, 5 Song Thrushes all "high-fliers", a Gt. Spot atop the lone Alder 4 Mipits SE, 4 Sky Larks S, a Kestrel hunting, a Buzzard over W then returned E, just one Siskin, and a slow flying flock of 40-50 Wood Pigeons going S. DK also had a Fieldfare. There was a definite increase in finches, especially Chaffinch. The Long-tailed Tit flock was a bit dis-jointed today but individuals hung around most of the morning.
Today's catch - Wren 2, Dunnock 1, Robin 2, Blackbird 1, Chiff 1, LTT 2, Blue Tit 5, Gt. Tit 7, Chaffinch 4, Greenfinch1.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Birds (not berries)
Not alot about mid-morning; 12 Cormorant, a similar number of Coots and, while we walked round, the Canada Geese returned en masse to the Sailing Club. Song Thrush were busy taking the sloes. The ground is 'rock hard' and we desperately need some decent rain.
Winter berries
Already, the birds and the squirrels are taking an interest in this harvest on the colder mornings. Before long, the 'Scandinorske' thrushes will be arriving in droves (well - flocks) and by Christmas the berries will all be gone.

Then there is Spindle, which the Bullfinch will take, and the hips of the Dog Rose, much favoured by the Greenfinch after a few frosts have softened the pulpy outer. We also have Wayfaring Tree and Guelder Rose, another berried bush loved by the Bullfinch.
One bush that has lost most of its berries already (... and its leaves) is the Elder which helped feed the many hungry migrant birds that have passed through the park this autumn.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Fill the feeders
I decided to watch the feeders after filling and it was noticeable that the Great Tits preferred the peanuts, whilst the Blue Tits fed exclusively on the seed mix. The Great Tits had to work for their breakfast by chipping away at the nuts, whereas the Blueys just grabbed a piece and shot off to a branch to eat it.
There was an absence of Blackcaps, a lone male Chiff singing, several 'squeeky' Robins (maybe new-comers), one or two high flying thrushes and a pair of Gadwall on Fingers that are now resplendent in their "normal" plumage. A Kestrel came and hovered above the 'Rough' looking for prey items but decided to retreat to a perch high in the lakeside willows and survey the prospects from there. It was blowing "half a gale" and I sympathise with him/her.
I suspect we will get a ringing session in sometime next week, wind and rain permitting, and a reminder that there is a walk next Sunday (11th) starting at 9am from the Visitor Centre.
Ray Burley has made a decent job of the path down by the Kramer hide, which has been soft for years. It's a pity he didn't go an extra 4 yards into the 'Flower Meadow' - which is where the wide, soft and muddy patch will develop as soon as we get any decent rain.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
September finale
38 birds of 12 species - of which 14 were retraps; 14 of the total were also caught at the feeding station, namely 8 of the Gt. Tits and 6 of the Blue Tits. The list comprises: Wren 1 (1), Dunnock 0 (5), Robin 1, Blackbird 0 (1), Song Thrush 1, Blackcap 3 [1 M, 2 F], Chiff 1 [ad M, poss abietinus], Blue Tit 6 (3), Great Tit 7 (3), Treecreeper 1 (1), Chaffinch 2, Goldfinch 1.
The Gt. Spots were quiet today. 6 Goldfinch tried to harry the Kestrel on its second visit of the day. The LTTs were around again but nowhere near the nets. We have now ringed 60 Chiffs here this year. We should not "run out of" new tits for a couple of months yet.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Slowish day (3)
Birds trapped today (last of 3 consecutive days) were (retraps in brkts):
Wood Pigeon juv 1, Robin 1 (1), Lesser 'throat 1, a fine continental specimen on the move, [pics on IRG blog], Blackcap 3, all males, Chiffchaff 1, Blue Tit 5 (4), Gt. Tit 3 (5), Chaffinch 2, Goldfinch 2 (both adults this time).
One of the recaptured Blue Tits turned out to have been ringed in June 2002, making it the ringing group's oldest at (not quite) 7 years 3 months!
Light movement of Mipits and Sky Larks south; DK had a Jay. Best tick - 8th record of Nuthatch, this one calling like mad, from nearby where I had the first record for the park back in August 1991 (also while ringing!)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Slower day (2)
The newbies were: 1 Goldcrest, 2 Reed Warblers & 3 Chiffchaffs. The first 3 were 'ladies', the rest males. The recaptured birds were a young Treecreeper, a young Song Thrush, a 1 year old male Blackbird, a 2008 Robin and 2 Gt. Tits, one from '08, the other from 2005.
Other birds about - Blackcap (poss 2), prob flyover Siskin, another Song Thrush & a Mipit. Magpie clan present for a while and 6-7 LTT came through a couple of times, sticking to the tree tops. A strong smell of fox again plus a Muntjac today.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Slow day (1)
Wren - nil, Dunnock (3), Robin 1 (1), Blackbird (1), Blackcap 2, Chiff 1, LTT (1), Blue Tit 2, Gt. Tit 5 (3), Goldfinch 7, Bullfinch (1).
The Wren numbers are well down on last year - which was a bumper one for them. We have now caught 81 new Blackcaps so far this year and 55 new Chiffs, the highest ever. If you exclude pulli ringed in boxes, we have also ringed more new Gt. Tits than ever before. On the other hand, 4 Greenfinches is the lowest (at the moment), but they have been suffering again as they did at the beginning of the 'nineties.
As I was coming in, I saw several Song Thrushes and at a quarter to eight, as I was busy putting a net up, I had a calling Y-b Warbler pass over, moving from one bush top to another [4th for county, 2nd here]. The Goldfinch flock today consisted of 17 birds.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
19th September 2009
Treecreeper also heard at the north end of the Woodland Walk.
Had a single Reed Warbler in the main lake reed bed (north side) just before the fence starts. Also had a couple of House Martin's over the Rough, but many more later on in the same area but seemed to be moving through east.
Grey Wagtail on the Canoe Slalom, had already 2/3 over Fingers earlier. A Kingfisher whizzed past while I was watching the Wagtail.
On the main lake at least 46 Coot (is this a record?) and 24 Great Crested Grebe.
Despite the influx of winter wildfowl it was a glorious morning.
Another days ringing
Todays tally was: Wren 1 (1), Dunnock 1 (2), Robin 3 (1), Blackbird (3) [all males incl 1 from Oct '03 & 1 ad. from '07], Blackcap 3 (2) [incl a male from June '07 - as adult] , Chiffchaff 9 (1) [an ad. fem. we caught on 2nd April], LTT (3) [2 birds from August '07], Blue Tit 5 (3), Gt. Tit 4 (1), Chaffinch 1, Bullfinch 1 (2) [a new ad male and an ad. fem from Sept '07].
It was great to catch 15 new Chiffs and 5 new Blackcaps over the 2 days; these will be 'on passage' and feeding up on the berries and insects before departure. These birds had been piling up on site during the windy weather, but most left overnight Thurs/Fri. before we had a chance to go ringing again.
Nearly forgot. The fox was mouching about in the brambles again, another close encounter, and a Jay from the meadow to Fingers.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Fri 18th Sept
New (retraps): Gt. Spot 1 [young male], Wren (1), Dunnock 2 (3), Blackbird 1 (2), Blackcap 2 [1m, 1f], Chiffchaff 6 [2m, 4f], LTT 4, Blue Tit 8 (2), Gt. Tit 13 (2), Chaffinch 1, Greenfinch 2, Goldfinch 4, Bullfinch (1).
DK picked up on a Spot Fly but he was between it and the net! We also had 16 House Martins taking an interest in the male Sparr as it sallied across the Rough. Later, I had 2 Spot Flicks in a tall Elder in the Long Hedge but too high up for the nets. When I had a look at the dipping platform midday, I spooked a Moorhen, a Kingfisher and a Redstart - all making a hasty exit!
Might be back tomorrow (as the weather looks good) for more Chiffs and Blackcaps.
Monday, September 14, 2009
12th September 2009
A walk out along the cycle path to Castle Mill Pit proved a little more fruitful with a Stoat by the Tern Pool. Kestrel by the bridge over the bypass. At Castle Mill the water level is way higher than it was on our last visit so no waders but several Coot, 6 Little Grebe and 4 Tufted Ducks did put in an appearance.
On the way back to the park we had a couple of Swallows between the Gravel works and the Tern Pool.
Still plenty of Chiffchaffs to be had in the park with some large groups reported by DK and TP. Several still singing, probably set off due to many being in close proximity.
Monday, September 07, 2009
7th Sept
13 new + 6 re-traps: Wren (1) [female, 2007 or earlier], Dunnock (2), Robin (1) [Long Hedge juvvie], Blackbird 1 [fresh youngster, male], Blackcap 2, LTT 1, Blue Tit 4 (1), Gt.Tit 4, Treecreeper (1), Bullfinch 1 [juv male].
Other interesting bits: a young(ish) Hedgehog, Little Egret, fem Sparrowhawk, gulls taking flying ants over NM, and a (female) Goldcrest that came to see what was making all the noise as I took a Blue Tit out (it was less than 6' away). Another pile of feathers, this time a Woodpigeon.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
A winter's tale
Of course, this involved cutting out the appropriate net lane, since the veg has grown tremendously over the last 10 months, when it was cleared of trees and bushes 100% by BTCV & ourselves.
Throughout September, we will endeavour to trap as many of the remaining and transient warblers as possible, before turning our attention to the tits, finches and thrushes, core winter rations.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Saturday 5th September 2009
Didn't bother with the Canoe Slalom as it was in use but the South West Corner of the main lake was the place to be this morning. First I spotted a Water Rail in the last fishing swim before the Willows, then I watched a Treecreeper in the Willows for a few minutes. At this point the calm of the morning was broken by an influx of Canada Geese. I had just been thinking there weren't many about but by the time I had gotten back round the north side I counted 134. Back in the South West corner there were 23 Coots and a couple of Kingfishers.
Couldn't pick out any Gadwall on Fingers this morning. Pond Skaters appear to have had a good year with thousands of them on East Fingers the last couple of weeks.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Autumn Walks
The dates are: 11 October, as good a date as any for "crossover migrants" and 29 November, when we should be into the beginnings of winter. Both will start at 9am from the front of the Visitor Centre. Errol
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday 29th August
At the STW a large flock of Goldfinch (50+) were hanging out in the trees by the bridge.
At the Canoe Slalom there were 2 Grey Wagtails this week. The Mistle Thrushes put in another appearance this week with at least 16 counted over by The Barns.
On the south side of the Main lake a group of 17 Coot and the usual 3 in the south west corner.
No Terns and just a handful of Reed Warblers.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Last of the summer wine?
Last session of the 2009 season for Constant Effort ringing. Now we go back to ringing for ourselves. A decent day to round off the summer with 27 birds of which 26 were juvvies & 19 were new. The only adult bird was a male Goldfinch in moult.
(Retraps in brackets). Wren (1), Dunnock 2 (1), Blackbird (3), Reed Warbler 4, Lesser 'throat 1, Whitethroat 1 (1), Blackcap 5 (2), Treecreeper 1 - our 2nd in a week, Greenfinch 1, Goldfinch 3, Bullfinch 1.
An adult male Sprawk came down the 'dark' (north) side of the Long Hedge and hit the net by a pole as I was walking up. Even though I was quite close, it wriggled and got out. Half an hour later, it came back over. There has been a noticeable increase in 'feathers' on the ground recently, presumable from his (or his like) attacks. Also a male Kestrel.
This year has been not been the best for adults - I suspect they have had it relatively easy and have been breeding "non-stop". The juveniles have excelled themselves; it has been the best year since 1992-1994! It was the best productivity ever for Dunnock, Robin, Song Thrush, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, & Goldfinch - and 2nd best for Blackbird & Great Tit.
Statistics:- 372 individual birds caught, 99 adults (51 birds from previous years), 273 juveniles.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Saturday 22nd August 2009
There were 3 Grey Wagtails on the canoe slalom. I had at least 10 Reed Warblers mostly on the north side of the main lake but one seen over at the STW reed bed.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
CES 22nd August
21 birds today, 7 retraps, just 2 adults - a 2005 Dunnock & a 2006 Blackbird.
Wren 1, Dunnock (1), Robin (1), Blackbird 4 (4), Song Thrush 1, Whitethroat (1), Blackcap 5, Chiffchaff 1, Willow Warbler 1, Treecreeper 1. This seems a low catch but the weather was bright and sunny and migrant species may have left earlier in the week.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I put 2 nets up in the 'crescent' from 5:30 to 8:30 this morning. The result - 3 juvenile Reeds trapped (1 a re-trap from the CES v.10), a Dunnock & a Blackbird. There was also a pair busy toing and froing, feeding young beside the main lake, just below my car/spit. So - it's true; the vast majority have done the biz and cleared off earlier than usual to warmer climes!.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
16th August 2009
Last week we walked down to the Tern Pool where we had at least 5 Yellow Wagtails in the surrounding crop fields. There were 91 Mallards and a single Tufted Duck on the pool itself. Back at the bridge by the STW we watched 9 large Chub feeding on the upstream side of the east channel.
A Red-eared Terrapin has been spotted in 2 of the last 3 weeks on west Fingers.
Chiffchaffs are still showing well but Blackcaps have disappeared off the radar in the last 2 weeks having been the most vocal the previous week. Terns were down to 2 or 3 today with numbers dropping off steadily over the last few weeks, following a brief surge.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
CES v.11 - Another good day!
Top birds - Blackcap, Goldfinch & Song Thrush.
Totals were: Wren 2, Dunnock 1 (1), Robin 4 (1), Blackbird 2 (2), Song Thrush 4, Reed W. 1, Whitethroat 1, Garden W 3, Blackcap 8, Chiff 2, Willow W. 4, Blue Tit 1, Great Tit 2, Goldfinch 6.
Of the 45 birds, 41 were juveniles (2 r/t) and the other 4 were obviously adults with 2 r/t.
A Blackbird was first ringed as a 1CY in 2004 and a male Dunnock in 2005
Saturday, August 08, 2009
CES v.10 - A Good day's work
Wood Pig 1, Wren 2, Dunnock 2, Robin 2, Blacky 4, Mavis 1, Reed Warbler, 3, Lesserthroat 1, Whitethroat 5, Garden Warbler 5, Blackcap 8, Chiffy 1, Blue Tit 5, Greenfinch 1, Goldfinch 1.
A juvvy Green Woody and one of its parents was bombing about noisily all morning. The surprise of the day was a singing Willow Warbler.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Saturday 25th July 2009
Last weekend there was a large Terrapin in Lillypads and the two young Coot, seen the previous weekend were AWOL, a small fluffy Moorhen had taken their place, a little close to the Terrapin for comfort. Green Veined White butterfly along the woodland walk, exactly the same place as the one seen on the last guided walk.
Still a few singers about this weekend, with Blackcaps being particularly loud. Several Treecreepers heard (Spit, Navigation Channel and Dead Seat). Surprised a Muntjac as we came into Fingers at the Sedgewick Seat entrance. Visited EN's stand in the Rough and while there heard a short snatch of Lesser Whitethroat song. Eclipse male Gadwall on Lillypads.
A noticeable increase in Tern numbers the last couple of weeks with ~30 over the main lake this week.
CES v.9 - 25th July
A very good catch of 43 birds, only 6 of which were adults (inc. 3 Blackcaps).
Summary - Wren 7, Dunnock 4, Robin 3, Blackbird 4, Song Thrush 1, Reed Warbler 4, Whitethroat 3, Blackcap 8, Chiffchaff 3, Blue Tit 1, Great Tit 2, Goldfinch 3.
A german ringer joined Ed and I for the morning and we were visited by about 10 people, one of whom was a potential recruit.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday 11th July 2009
CES ringing 11/07
Tally for the day is: Wren 3 juvs, Dunnock 2 adults & 5 juvs, Robin 3 juvs, Reed Warbler 2 adults & 2 juvs, Garden Warbler 1 adult & 1 juv, Blackcap 4 juvs, Chiff 7 juvs, Gt. Tit 2 juvs, Treecreeper 1 ,juv, Bullfinch 2 adults & 1 juv. We also picked up an adult breeding female Reed Bunting from the 'crescent' which had been taken by an avian predator.
A male Dunnock and a male Reed Warbler were from 2006 (ringed as young birds) and the male Bullfinch from October 2007 was with its mate, a bird from last year.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
CES ringing - 04/07
Green Woodpecker 1, Wren3, Dunnock 8, Robin 6, Blackbird 1, Song Thrush 1 (a female from 2003), Reed Warbler 2, Whitethroat 2, Blackcap 9, Chiffchaff 5, Gt.Tit 2.
The Gt Crested's have at least 1 "humbug" at long last (prob. hatched Thurs.). I noticed 2 large terrapins on 'lilypads' the other day that, together with the Coot, are the cause of the delay in 'production' and also the likely cause of low success for the GCG's.
Gull passage has started but no Common Gulls yet.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Thurs 2nd July
Yesterday, there was a Little Egbert on 'lilypads' but not today. A juvenile Gt. Spot was trapped (see photo), a young Willow Warbler, a fledgling Wren plus a 4-year (or more) old female, a male Blackcap that was first ringed down by the 'sheep pen', and 5 tits that were just starting their moult into adult plumage.

Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker - the red cap is diagnostic of a young bird.
Adults have their "patches" on the nape. This bird also has a 'dull' eye.
There were many small flocks of young birds, with or without their parents feeding in the willow trees. At one point, a (male) Buzzard followed by a mewing juvenile flew across the 'Fingers' at tree top height. By 8am, the temperature was beginning to soar and the heat was beginning to become unbearable, meaning that catching was coming to an end.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Guided Walk - 28/06/2009
The first surprise was a singing Lesser Whitethroat which sounded like it was down at the east end of the main lake although it was difficult to pin point. Then a bubbling female Cuckoo was heard, pretty sure it wasn't the mimicking Song Thrush as it was a longer burst and not accompanied by other notes before or after. However the Song Thrush was up to his old tricks as we walked along the edge of the Rough!
It was really tricky getting decent views of the birds this morning with the greenery getting in the way but a singing Chiffchaff obliged opposite the Rough gate. As we rounded the next corner a churring Common Whitethroat was heard and tracked down to the opposite side of the fenced area where a family were seen with at least 2 youngsters being fed by the adults. A Chiffy was also seen in the same tree along with Blue Tit which were both seen off by the Whitethroats.
As we continued along towards the Sedgewick Seat I noticed several froglets trying to cross the path and others were seen later along the Spit. Just before the Woodland Walk a Meadow Brown butterfly was seen and EN pointed out that it was newly emerged, denoted by the very dark colouration on the side away from the sun. Into the Woodland walk and an Obliging Green Veined White butterfly gave excellent views to everybody. Little else of note other than 2-3 singing Blackcaps at the north end.
Out of the woods and back along the navigation channel we worked hard for views of a singing Sedge Warbler but although glimpsed in the rushes he never gave decent views. Kramer hide was very quiet with just a Mallard family and a couple of Coots.
Not much along the east side of Fingers so we checked out the Crescent where Reed Warblers were singing and showing themselves as they moved between the reed bed and the Willows. Better views were had later, up on the Spit, as adults fed young in one of the Willows.
The sun broke through as we reached the VC and the temperature increased quickly as we departed for the air condition comfort of our cars!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday 27th June 2009
We headed over to Castle Mill Pit where we had 8 Little Egret, ~37 Common Terns (Several on eggs), A couple of Oystercatchers and Green Sandpiper. Also quite a few BH Gulls, a pair of Mute Swans, several Grey Herons and adult and juvenile Green Woodpeckers.
Common Whitethroat still very vocal along the cycle track and report of a Common Buzzard feeding on the ground by the lake by the gravel works entry road, sadly not confirmed by us. Quite a few Chiffchaff singing around the park.
Back in the park there was a lot of activity on the main lake but we spied a fairly new Canada Goose family, 4 big fluffy goslings, through the reeds in the north east corner. Lots of noisy Jackdaws, and a few Crows on Kingsmead.
Friday, June 26, 2009
CES ringing on 26/06
"Strange birds" for us here were Woodpigeon, a fat one, & Magpie, a fully grown youngster.

All told, 44, with 32 of them juveniles.
The other 42 consisted of: Wren 5, Dunnock 5, Robin 6, Blackbird 5, Garden Warbler 1, Blackcap 7, Chiffchaff 8 (today's star bird), Blue Tit 1, Gt. Tit 2, Chaffinch 2.
In 6 sessions so far this year, we have caught 166 individuals of 18 species. We are now half way through the CES programme for 2009, our 18th year.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
CES ringing - 13/06
Thanks to Guy and Ed for doing this one for me - while I enjoyed the sunshine in SW Scotland! Total of 40 birds, of which only 2 were retraps.
(Adults then juveniles) : Wren 1/2, Dunnock 1/4, Robin 0/3, Blackbird 2/0 (both breeding females), Reed Warbler 1/0, Whitethroat 0/4, Blackcap 1/8, Chiffchaff 2/6, Blue Tit 0/1, Great Tit 0/3, Chaffinch 0/1.
So, some later broods of Wren, Dunnock and Robin plus the main broods of Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Whitethroat. Finches and Garden Warblers to come, eh, plus more Blackbirds?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Staurday 20th June 2009
At the Tern Pool 21 Tufted Ducks were accompanied by a single Pochard. A single female Yellow Wagtail and a Grey Wagtail were seen along with Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.
Back in the park there were plenty of noisy young Jackdaws around Fingers. We had a Muntjac from Kramer hide. A Kingfisher was seen in the southeast corner of the main lake. Treecreeper was heard in the Willows in the south west corner of the main lake.
Join us for the guided walk next Sunday but watch out you regulars as it's a 08:00 start NOT the normal 09:00. See you there.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
CES ringing 29/05
Out of the 21 birds that we caught, 8 were juvenile Robins (1 a retrap from last week at a different sub-site). We have now caught 18 birds from a guesstimate of 6 different broods/nests.

Others included 3 young Chiffchaffs, a juv Chaffinch, 2 fledged Dunnocks + 3 adults, a pair of Balckbirds a cock Wren and a female Garden Warbler that was born in this patch in 2007.
We now have a wait of two weeks before the next session, our 5th of 12.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday 25th May 2009
On Fingers Tufted Ducks (pair), Gadwall (pair), Great Crested Grebe (pair) and the Mute Swans were out and about with at least 3 cygnets. Not much about around the back of Fingers.
Arrived back with EN just in time to see a juvenile Kingfisher in the hand, having just seen 2 from the spit with DK.

Took the path along the river on the south side of the main lake with Grey Wagtail at the Canoe Slalom and the Spillway, may have been the same one. Sedge Warbler just up stream from the the Canoe Slalom and several more along the far bank on Fenlake. Also had a Cuckoo calling over Fenlake.

Along the west side of the main lake had a flyover Cuckoo, heading out over the Marina.
After Saturdays leaping Carp at Castle Mill the Carp in the Finger lakes were very frisky today with plenty of spawning action. Also along the far bank of the river at Fenlake several good size Carp were seen spawning.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
CES ringing 23/05
9 of these were new adults and we caught 14 new juveniles, including a brood of 7 Gt. Tits, plus 'mum & dad', all in the same net.
Birds of interest seen whilst working were pair of Cuckoo (very noisy), several Swifts (maybe 20), a pair of Sparrowhawks, a pair of Gt. Spots., Collared Doves and several Starlings busy with their imminent offspring. Highlight was a passing 2CY Hen Harrier.
Wren 5 (1 juv), Dunnock 4 (1 juv), Robin 3 (2 juvs), Blackbird 2 (1 juv), Reed Warbler 1, Whitethroat 1, Garden Warbler 3, Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 1 juv, Blue Tit 2, Gt. Tit 9, Chaffinch 2 ( 1 juv).
One of the Garden Warblers was first ringed in early spring 2003 (as an adult male). The retrap Blackbird, a male, was ringed in 2005, caught again several times in 2007 and now; all these records have been during the breeding season - so where does it go to in the winter? [We (Ivel Ringing Group) work the site all year].
Saturday 23rd May
We tested the new path to Castle Mill pits which looks like a great wader habitat. Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover, Tufted Duck and Lesser Black Backed Gull were present. As we headed back along the path a large Carp leaped, Marlin like, in the river downstream of the weir.
Back at the park we caught up with EN ringing in the Rough, just in time for the last few of the Great Tit family. We checked out the Mute Swan nest on Fingers and were lucky enough to see the head of a single cygnet over mums back, so it shouldn't be long before the family gets out and about around Fingers. The family on the main lake are already out and about with 6 cygnets, all seen down by the beach this morning.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Last couple of weekends
Highlights were Common Sandpiper on the north side of the main lake. ~20 Swifts over the main lake on arrival, all gone by the time I left. My first Garden Warbler of the year, one in the Sheep Pen and another in the Rough. Plenty of Reed Warblers in with at least 6 singing in the main lake reed bed along the north side, as well as a number singing in the crescent.
Checked out the Tern Pool, out along the cycle track and had a Yellow Wagtail and a Linnet along the fence line of the field next to the pool.
Saturday 16th May:
Nothing out of the ordinary this week. Again the Swifts were about over the VC and main lake, seemingly more than last week but I didn't get a good count. A few more Reed Warblers in along the north side of the main lake, right up to the VC. Sedge Warblers were harder to come by but the STW reed bed still came up trumps. A Garden Warbler was still singing strongly in the Rough. All the other Warblers heard/seen except the Grasshopper, just too windy assuming it's still there!
Both Saturdays had great views of a male Sparrowhawk in the Willows opposite Kramer hide. Also heard the female calling nearby and the male was very aggressive seeing off all comers in it's air space.
Monday, May 11, 2009
CES ringing - 11/05
5 new adults, 7 juveniles & 4 retraps - Wren 1, Dunnock 3 (1 juv), Robin 4 juvs, Blackbird 1 juv, Song thrush 1 juv, Reed warbler 1, Garden warbler 2, Chiffchaff 1, Bullf 2 (a pair); 17 birds in all.
The 2 retrap Dunnocks were from Nov'05 & June'03, the new (female) Garden Warbler carried fat3 and bp1 so was most likely fresh in (or stopping over) and the Bullies were a pair of 'teenagers' (he had no PJ ogc's)
Other birds - Hobby, 15+ Swifts early, plus a party of 9 'screamers' mid-morning, and the Swans on the main lake hatched off 6 cygnets (yesterday?) while 'she of Fingers' is still sitting, ignoring 'himself' chasing the Canadas [which gives us pleasure].
Sunday, May 03, 2009
International Dawn Chorus Day
A small party congregated at 04:30 and were hailed by (songsters in upper case) BLACKBIRD, SONG THRUSH, ROBIN, CUCKOO, SEDGE WARBLER. A glimmer of dawn as we moved off and to be regaled by BLACKCAP, CANADA GOOSE, GREAT TIT, CHIFFCHAFF, WREN, WHITETHROAT, MALLARD.
By now we were leaving the New Meadow and approaching Fingers Lake: BLUE TIT, CROW, JACKDAW, LESSER WHITETHROAT, WILLOW WARBLER, GARDEN WARBLER.
After 05:00, we saw/heard Mute Swan, GREEN WOODPECKER, MAGPIE, WOOD PIGEON, Black-headed Gull, COOT, REED WARBLER, COMMON TERN, MOORHEN, Lapwing, Gt. Spotted Woodpecker, GOLDFINCH, Cormorant.
It was not until after 06:00 that we noticed CHAFFINCH, GREYLAG, SWALLOW, GREENFINCH, PHEASANT, BULLFINCH, Sparrowhawk, Long-tailed Tit, STARLING, DUNNOCK, Gadwall, Gt. Crested Grebe, Sand Martin, House Martin, Collared Dove.
The moderate NW wind stopped us from hearing certain birds with weaker calls and the much vaunted Grasshopper Warbler. Oystercatcher was another 'failure'. So was Swift.
Conclusion - spring is a little later this year than last.
A fine view of a fox, out in the open as the sun was breaking over the horizon, as it sat watching us watching it for about five minutes. Also a freshly dead mole later on.
This was the 23rd traditional D-C Walk at Priory CP; only one has had to be abandoned because of rain. This is normally held on the first Sunday in May.
Ringing / CES
Wed. 29th (Fingers Lake) - Wren 1, Dunnock 1, Robin 1, Blackbird 2 (pr?), Reed Warbler 1 (ringed '07, retrapped '08; male), Blackcap 1, Treecreeper 1, Chaffinch 1, Reed Bunting 2 (pr, female ringed '07 as breeding adult).
Sat. 2nd - first of the (inter)national Constant Effort Sites survey for '09 using standard nets only. 17 adult birds of 9 species as follows:
Dunnock 2, Blackbird 2, Song Thrush 1, Whitethroat 3, Blackcap 4, Willow Warbler 1, Blue Tit 1, Great Tit 1, Bullfinch 2. The majority of birds were males. All retraps were from '08.
[Last year - 22 birds of 9 species. The long-term average over 12 visits is 27, but the first few visits average only 22 new birds for the year.]
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Saturday 2nd May 2009
Heading up to the bypass a number Skylarks were seen on either side of the track. 2 more Redshank seen in the puddles in the workings just by the bypass and 10 Mute Swans and 2 Canada Geese in the field the other side. Not much on the Tern Pool.
Following the riverside track there were plenty of Common Whitethroat showing well, but it was the return leg along the main track that provided the gems. First was a Lesser Whitethroat singing in the scrub between the track and the Willington playing fields, even got a glimpse of it as it flew to a new bush. A little further along a family party of 5 Mistle Thrushes crossed the track and watched us from high above us in the evergreen trees.
We crossed the brook and were heading back through the wooded section when I heard a Nightingale singing and we stopped and listened for a while before it flew to a new song post giving us a glimpse of this "often heard but seldom seen" bird. Just before the Gravel works road another 2 Mistle Thrushes were seen on the open field between the track and the small lake.

Mistle Thrush
Back at the Tern Pool a few Sand Martins had arrived and I glimpsed a Common Buzzard heading away from us towards the STW. As we got to the bridge over the bypass we located the Buzzard and as we watched we realised there were another 2 higher in the same thermal. Another flew in and joined the 3 with some interaction between 2 of the birds. Then a 5th bird flew in but continued on towards the north end of riverside. As we continued back towards the park the 4 remaining Buzzards drifted back towards the bypass still climbing on the thermal until they were just specs in the sky.
Back in the park little else of note. Chiffchaff were less obvious this week, probably nesting now having been in a while now, but as mentioned the Common Whitethroat were much in evidence today. We had a chat with EN and Ed, who were ringing in the Rough, and were privileged to see 2 Common Whitethroats in the hand. What a cracking morning.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Fwd: Priory Today - 25th Apr.
2 Swift
1 Grasshopper Warbler - Fenlake
1 Common Sandpiper
1 Lesser Whitethroat
8 Common Terns
1 Kingfisher
1 House Martin
1 Swallow
18 Sand Martins
3 Reed Warblers
2 Sedge Warblers
3 Whitethroats
8 Chiffchaffs
7 Willow Warblers
12 Blackcaps
1 Cuckoo
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Kestrel.
2 Gadwalls
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Fwd: Priory today, 21st. Brambling again.
Thick mist early on, cleared about 0915.
1 m Brambling again. Roughly in the same area as on 19th.
1 Lesser Whitethoat
2 (m+f) Com Whitethroat (m displaying to f)
6 Chiffchaffs
7 Willow Warblers
13 Blackcaps
3 Sedge Warblers
3 Common Terns
1 Redshank.
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Sunday, April 19, 2009
Guided Walk - 19/04/2009

Brambling at the Crescent
I joined the guided walk and had an enjoyable morning helping EN point out spring migrants to some enthusiastic newbies and the regulars. We started with a quick stop at the bottom of the Steps for singing Blackcap, Chiffchaff and the regular tits and finches. Then it was down to the Crescent in the hope that the Brambling had returned but sadly not. Along the Spit a Jay was seen in the Willows on the west side of the Fingers, it/another was seen later heading out over Kingsmead. However singing Sedge and Reed Warbler in and around the Crescent made up for that. There were plenty of Swallows and Martins around and a group of 9 Swallows were perched in one of the trees on the south east corner of the Finger lakes. The Common Whitethroat was showing well on the same corner. Up at Kramer hide a Treecreeper was heard and then it was down to the STW reed bed where we had 3 singing Sedge Warblers. At the first pool on 100 Acre there was a Lapwing and at least 4 Tufted Ducks on the larger pit seen at distance.
We walked back along the Woodland Walk and at the north end we had Willow Warbler and 3 Blackcaps while at the southern end Bullfinch was heard high in the Blossom clad trees. Good views of Chiffchaff and Blackcap were had back at the Rough. At the Deat Seat good views were had of Gadwall (2 males, 1 particularly smart) and a pair of Teal, the male Mute Swan was having some time off from worrying Canada Geese while the female was house keeping at the nest site. Back at the main lake all the Martins and Swallows had gone (11:30). A couple of Common Terns remained. And that was it, shame the Brambling didn't stick around but a good return on species anyway and the sun made it out by the end to warm us up!

Fwd: Priory Today 19th
7 Willow Warblers
5 Common Terns
c50 Sand Martins
14 Swallows
1 House Martin
14 Chiffchaffs
15 Blackcaps
4 Sedge Warblers
1 Reed Warbler
1 Whitethroat
1 Brambling by the crescent reed bed in the alders area - found by David
1 Treecreeper
1 pr Teal
1 m Shoveler
1 pr + 1m Gadwall
17 LBB Gulls NE
More news may come in as there is a Priory Walk today.
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Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ringing 19/04
Wren 1, Dunnock 4, (Robin feeding young), Blackbird 1, Blackcap 4, Chiffchaff 3, Blue Tit 2, Great Tit 2, Chaffinch 2, Bullfinch 1. Siskin over N, calling, early on.
Best bird was a female Chaffinch that had not been 'seen' since it was in its 2CY in April 2004 (1819 days). Second prize goes to a male Blackcap that was also caught in April 2004 as a 2CY but has been handled several times since (1840 days). The other two Blackcaps were hatched in 2006.
Fwd: Priory today 18th April
More Blackcaps in today.
27 Blackcaps
10 Willow Warblers
11 Chiffchaffs
1 Whitethroat
1 Lesser Whitethroat
1 Reed Warbler
3 Sedge Warblers
18 Swallows
10 Sand Martins
1 House Martin
4 Common Terns
3 Oystercatchers
1 Redshank
Errol reported one Siskin north early on.
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Friday, April 17, 2009
Fwd: Priory Today 17th
Hi all,
1 Sandwich Tern through at about 0730.
1 ad Little Gull seen early then went. Present again (the same or
different?) from about 0845 to 0900.
3 Common Terns
9 Willow Warblers
15 Blackcaps
9 Chiffchaffs
1 Lesser Whitethroat (main car park again)
5 Sedge Warblers
1 Reed Warbler
10 Swallows
6 House Martins
30 Sand Martins
1 pr Gadwall
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Fwd: Priory 15th
1 Lesser Whitethroat (main car park)
2 Common Terns
14 Blackcaps
7 Chiffchaffs
7 Willow Warblers
3 Sedge Warblers
2 Swallows
4 Sand Martins
1 pr Gadwalls
2 Shovelers
2 Shelducks.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Cuckoo calling
DK, TP & EN have not yet heard a male Cuckoo calling anywhere at this site.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Fwd: Priory today 13th Apr
1 Hobby ENE at 0920
7 Willow Warblers
8 Chiffchaffs
16 Blackcaps
1 m Whitethroat
1 Sedge Warbler
4 Sand Martins
1 Swallow
1 pr Gadwalls
2 Shelducks
2 Oystercatchers
1 Jay
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
Fwd: Priory today 12th Apr Like rice pudding at a wedding!
Hi all,
nothing too exciting - getting envious!
12 Willow Warblers
37 Blackbirds
12 Chiffchaffs
85 Sand Martins
3 Swallows
20 Blackcaps, including several females.
5 Sedge Warblers
1 Whitethroat m
Hopefully something more exotic will arrive soon!
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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Fwd: Priory 11th Apr
a bit disappointing compared with other places, nothing too special:
2 House Martins (plus one N this pm)
8 Willow Warblers
8 Chiffchaffs
19 Blackcaps (inc 1 f)
1 Whitethroat
3 Sedge Warblers
2 Swallows
25 Sand Martins
1 pr Gadwalls
1 Water Rail
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Saturday 11th April 2009
We checked out Riverside for a change and had another Sedge Warbler on the island on Tesco Pond. Also 3 Willow Warblers, 2 Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap. There is also a nesting Mute Swan on Riverside (Orange #405).
Back at the Cut another Black Cap was singing and we had another 3 Chiff's along the Woodland Walk. On the south side of the main lake we decided to try the riverside path and, along with a pair of ducks trying some extreme waterfalling, we had two more Sedge Warblers. One was opposite Bedford Boat Club and the other was further along opposite the lake on Fenlake. We could only make out about three Teal on Fenlake.
Back at the main lake still at least 20 hirundines with a handful of Swallows and the rest seemed to be Sand Martins, couldn't locate any of the House Martins seen earlier.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Fwd: Priory 9/10th April
Hi, yesterday in brackets or parentheses
Common Terns 2 (0) departed at great height, almost beyond binocular
Oystercatcher 2
Whitethroat 1m
Sedge Warbler 2 (1)
Willow Warbler 6 (15)
Chiffchaffs 15 (11)
Blackcaps 18 m (17 m)
Sand Martins 3 (3)
Gadwall pr + 1m
Redshanks 1
Redwing 3
Stock Dove 2 display
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Sunday, April 05, 2009
Fwd: Priory today 5th
10 Willow Warblers
15 Chiffchaffs
14 Blackcaps
31 Blackbirds
16 Song Thrushes
1 pr Gadwall
No hirundines.
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Saturday, April 04, 2009
Fwd: Priory Today - 4th Apr
1 Grey Partridge - Last recorded in the park in Feb. 2002!!
7 Willow Warblers
15 Chiffchaffs
15 Blackcaps
8 Sand Martins
3 Swallows
21 Teal on Fenlake
1 Treecreeper
1 Jay
1 Ringed Teal
1 m Sp. Hawk
1 Redshank.
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Friday, April 03, 2009
Fwd: Priory Today - 3rd Apr
2 Willow Warblers
12 Chiffchaffs
10 Blackcaps
30 Sand Martins
4 Swallows
12 Coot
1 pr Gadwalls
2 Otter Cubs outside the Kramer Hide (TL07824924) from 0832 to 0843 before
moving off into the main part of the East Finger lake and then into the west
Finger Lake.
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Thursday, April 02, 2009
Ringing on Thurs 2nd April
We did manage to catch 3 Chiffchaffs (1M, 2F), 3 Blackbirds (1M,2F), 3 Great Tits (1 pr + 1M), a poss pr of Bullfinches, 3 Wrens (1M, 2F) and single Dunnock and BlueTit. Interestingly, the female Blackbirds were a third heavier than the same-sized male!
Up to five Swallows kept early company and we could hear three male Blackcap within easy earshot. The Woodpigeons were "at it" for quite some time and the Magpies were showing off their new home. A Squirrel dained to look for a free meal - but the feeders are now empty and will remain that way until October/November!
See IRG blog for Bullfinch with Knemidokoptic mange.
Fwd: Priory Today 02/04
1 Willow Warbler
11 Chiffchaffs (not singing too well this morning).
10 m Blackcaps
7 Swallows
35 Sand Martins
2 m Shovelers
1pr Gadwalls
2 Jays
1 Redshank
1 Grey Wagtail
Looks as though it might be another good year for Song Thrushes in the park.
Only two L. Egrets in to roost last night.
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Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Fwd: Priory today 1st Apr.
1 Willow Warbler
15 Chiffchaffs
8 m Blackcaps
4 Shovelers
3 Gadwalls
2 Shelducks
1 Grey Wagtail
1 Ringed Teal
18 Teal on Fenlake
No Hirundines early on at least.
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Fwd: Willow Warbler @ Priory 31/3
A Willow Warbler was singing strongly just east of the main car park at
Priory this morning.
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