Hidden in the park we have a small glade where the wildlife can shelter away from people. Every year to maintain biodiversity in the meadow we cut the meadow and rake the arisings to reduce the nutrient content of the soil.
After raking the meadow in record time the volunteers then turned their attention to the blackthorn scrub surrounding the meadow and gave it a good cut back - in some places revealing some large rabbit warrens! 

The blackthorn needs to be cut back to prevent it from taking over the meadow.
The sloes were almost ready and were quickly harvested by those who wanted them - they are rich in Vitamion C and used by many to make sloe gin, although our volunteers had to make do with tea and biscuits as usual!
The photos show volunteer Paul raking and volunteer Dave getting to grips with the Blackthorn.
Thanks to our Volunteers Dave, Becky, Alan, Paul and John for all their hard work.
Our next volunteer day is on the 3rd October at Mowsbury Hill Fort - a bit of orchard management and scrub clearance.