Overcast almost to the end of the session ... and breezy with it. The best session so far this year with 40 birds captured. Todays "big bucks" were Garden Warbler (5 juvs and 1 ad. male in arrested moult - see pic) and Greenfinch (3 juvs and 3m & 2f). A small party of juv LTTs came through and 4 were caught. All these were in heavy moult (one of the few species where the juvvies moult 100%, too). Three Blue Tits was a turn-up - for us, anyway. The rest consisted of 2 Willies (pic is of the juv., the other was a cracking ad.m in new plumage), 1 Chiff (see pic - juv in heavy body moult), 2 juv W/throats, 2 Reed Ws, 2 Juv Wrens, 2 Robin,
a young Goldfinch, a juv Bullfinch, and 3 Blackbirds (1 new juv). Joined today by Ed Green, back from "wet" Gloucester. 250-300 Jackdaws present at first light and the male S/hawk was around, too. Otherwise, all the usual suspects for early August.