Thursday, October 23, 2008


Decided to ring on the 'spit' but the wind was too much. Didn't catch a thing so went home and did a Blue Tit in the garden!
Birds of note - Quite a few Siskins; flock of 11 plus maybe 2 & 6 more (19 max). Blackcap 1 male. Goldcrests min of 3. Small groups of Redwings buzzing about; counted a min of 16 but maybe 30 around. 3 Fieldfare flew over S. Up to 10 Blackbirds around the western side of Fingers (Lilypads, Spit, Crescent). Water Rail heard once. White faced C.Buzzard over 'lilypads', a very pale bird and slightly on the small side for the species. 2 or more Gt.Spots. Lots of Cormorants - but didn't get an "all up" count. Ca.16 GCG's though.
Nearly forgot the Starlings; 3 groups made 18 in all.