Priory Country Park is a former gravel pits located on the South East edge of Bedford, adjacent to the River Great Ouse. Find us at Barkers Lane off A428, or in Priory Business Park off A421 Bedford bypass. Admission is Free with access to the Visitor centre and 2 hides, one overlooking the main lake and one on the Finger lakes. You will find Winter wildfowl, passage terns and waders, and Water Rail all year.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
30th December 2010

Bewick's on the main lake

Bewick's depart north
Plenty of other birds in the open water on the main lake today including Mute Swans, Teal, Wigeon, Gadwall, Tufted Ducks, Pochard and Great Crested Grebes but the Bewick's stole the show. A couple of male Sparrowhawks stopped briefly in the tree next to us as we watched the Swans.
At the STW bridge there were 6 Little Grebe, 2 female Tufteds and 3 Gadwall (2m/1f). As we watched the Little Grebe a single Barnacle Goose flew past heading for Willington.
A couple of Bullfinches were heard along the woodland walk.