The task on Sunday was pulling the Himalayan Balsam along the river bank between the canoe slalom and Cardington lock. A small group of vols got stuck in and managed to clear the stretch. It was quite a transformation as prior to starting we couldn't even see the river. On completion the river was back in view and our native plants now have room to breath! Taking the Balsam out now prevents it seeding and so hopefully next year we'll have less to deal with. Following photo's supplied by Danny Fellman:
Before |
After |
A big pile of Himalayan Balsam, one of several! |
On the birding front some good news this week with the confirmed breeding of the Common Terns which have used the new tern raft this year. We spotted at least 2 chicks on the raft on Saturday morning. EG has been ringing in the Rough, completing the annual CES visits. These have been going really well so far this year and on Monday the 10th 50+ birds were processed including a second Lesser Whitethroat juvenile.