Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday 26th July 2008

We came across this young Sparrowhawk this morning, having a late breakfast (and saving some for later by the looks of it), sat on the path. It flew up to some low branches but hung around long enough for a photo before disappearing into some thicker cover.

We found at least four dead birds, varying from a few bloodied bones to most of a body, in the surrounding area. One of the bodies looked like it may have been another young Sparrowhawk but was very old and, hence, very smelly! The more squeamish amongst you might want to look away now.

The late breakfast

Another of the carcasses that were spread around the area

Any ideas on the identities of the above victims greatfully received.

CES visit 9

Fri - a lovely day with not a lot of wind. Hopes were high that we would have a better catch than we've been getting.

Ended up with 7 adults and 20 juvs, with only 3 retraps. No Dunnocks!
Wren 3 - all new juvs
Robin 3 - 2 in PJ moult, the other had finished (looks like an adult)
Blackbird 2 - a 2CY male looked very scraggy with a broken tail
Reed Warbler 2
Lesser Whitethroat 1 juv - there was a pair of adults about, too.
Whitethroat 1 - a 'clean looking' juv
Garden Warbler - 2 juvs
Blackcap 9 - bird of the day; 3 adults & 6 juvs
Chiff 1 - a r/t adult from early April, about to moult
Blue Tit 1 - another unringed juv
Greenfinch 2 - incl. a juv

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Reed Warblers

All seem to be "on eggs" again as I've only caught two new males and retrapped two females this week over two early morning sessions.
Other highlights - Green Sand (24th), 8 v.young Mallard (22nd),

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tues 22nd

6am. Went to the 'crescent'.
Not much doing.
Did catch a 3J Sedge.
Squeaking young Moorhens (?) in reeds
Green Wood and a young Jackdaw flew over.
Noticed that all 4 main lake cygnets have disappeared - Catfish??