At Kramer hide a single Great Crested Grebe and a pair of Canada Geese. A second pair of Canada Geese flew and stirred things up a bit. A couple of Wood Pigeons had a slapping match over by the fallen tree. Little else going on so I headed off along the river. Very quiet on Kingsmead just odd CG's, Moorhens and Pheasants. A Chiffchaff singing in the Long Hedge by the steps into the woodland walk. At the bridge over the Cut, across from the Kissing Gate, a Green Woodpecker was calling from a tree upstream from the bridge and a Blackcap was singing nearby. I walked along the cut to the trail marker post where another Blackcap was singing.
I crossed the road back into the main part of the park and headed for the woodland walk. A Chiff was singing from over by the Cut but could have been the same one heard earlier in the Long Hedge. A Blackcap was heard by the steps into the woodland walk. Further along the woodland walk, by the old nest box a Chiff was singing and a Blackcap was singing further along the trail as I exited the Woodland path.
Back at Kramer hide, little change. A young Heron was in the usual tree. The four CG's seemed to have settled down and were tolerating each other. A Blackcap was heard directly behind the hide as was a Song Thrush. Just 3 Sand Martins over Kramer lake. I headed around to the Sedgewick seat and as I turned left between the two plantations after Fingers a Willow Warbler was heard in the plantation on the right. A Blackcap was heard in the plantation to the left. The usual Chiff was singing round by the Sedgewick seat. Directly behind the Sedgewick seat a Treecreeper was creeping up a tree, as they do. Possibly a second but didn't get a good look. Heading down the path by the Rough, towards the steps a Chiff was singing by the muddy section. Another was singing over the far side of the Rough.
Chiffchaff (with shiny new ring)
A Blackcap was skulking in the bushes nearby while another sang further along the path. Yet another male Blackcap was further down the path by the "S" bend before the steps along with a female. On west Fingers a pair of Gadwall and a pair of Great Crested Grebes. One of the Grebes looked to be sitting on a nest although both were seen away from that area later. The pair of Mute Swans were about and the female was on one of the fingers nest building before mating with the male:
Mute Swans

Also on west fingers a pair of Mallards and a couple of pairs of Canada's. A Willow Warbler was singing about half way along the spit and a Blackcap was further down in the fenced off section. A pair of Little Grebes were whinnying in the Crescent reed bed. There is some frog spawn in the south west corner of east Fingers. A female Reed Bunting was also in the Crescent reed bed.
Headed around the main lake, failed to spot any Grey Wagtails along the Canoe Slalom but a Chiff was singing in the woods behind. Crossed Marina Meadow bridge and a Song Thrush was singing over by The Barns hotel. Continued along by the river in the hope of Grasshopper Warbler, at least one Chiff in Press Mead, probably more. By the Bedford Boat Club Moorings a Blackcap was singing on the park side and a Chiff was singing a little further upstream on the boat club side. A Greylag and 3 Canada's were on the river. No GHW but a male Reed Bunting was over on Fenlake.
Turned by the Leat Pool where a Chiff was singing and back by the lake a Willow Warbler was singing. A Lapwing flew over north and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew across the path and posed in a tree for a while. A Blackcap was singing in the scrub opposite the lifebelt. C.20 Sand Martins over the main lake. A Willow Warbler was singing in the south west corner along with another Chiff while a Terrapin indulged in a bit a sunbathing.
Stopped at the "disabled access" fishing swim on the west side of the main lake and a Sedge Warbler was singing from the fenced off area of the sailing club. Watched for a while and got a few glimpses as it moved in and out of cover.
Back at the car park a Blackcap was singing and 2 female Sparrowhawks were overhead. Looked like one was seeing off the other, or at least it was trying to.