Thursday, August 27, 2009

Last of the summer wine?

Thursday 27th Aug.
Last session of the 2009 season for Constant Effort ringing. Now we go back to ringing for ourselves. A decent day to round off the summer with 27 birds of which 26 were juvvies & 19 were new. The only adult bird was a male Goldfinch in moult.

(Retraps in brackets). Wren (1), Dunnock 2 (1), Blackbird (3), Reed Warbler 4, Lesser 'throat 1, Whitethroat 1 (1), Blackcap 5 (2), Treecreeper 1 - our 2nd in a week, Greenfinch 1, Goldfinch 3, Bullfinch 1.

An adult male Sprawk came down the 'dark' (north) side of the Long Hedge and hit the net by a pole as I was walking up. Even though I was quite close, it wriggled and got out. Half an hour later, it came back over. There has been a noticeable increase in 'feathers' on the ground recently, presumable from his (or his like) attacks. Also a male Kestrel.

This year has been not been the best for adults - I suspect they have had it relatively easy and have been breeding "non-stop". The juveniles have excelled themselves; it has been the best year since 1992-1994! It was the best productivity ever for Dunnock, Robin, Song Thrush, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, & Goldfinch - and 2nd best for Blackbird & Great Tit.

Statistics:- 372 individual birds caught, 99 adults (51 birds from previous years), 273 juveniles.

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