Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Mark Thomas & Ed Green went to Willington GP earlier in the week. They had 2 nets up between 7-9 pm in the reed-bed there. They caught nought! DK has remarked that the Reed Warbler numbers at Priory have also dropped significantly as he could hear very few, mainly in the SW corner.

I put 2 nets up in the 'crescent' from 5:30 to 8:30 this morning. The result - 3 juvenile Reeds trapped (1 a re-trap from the CES v.10), a Dunnock & a Blackbird. There was also a pair busy toing and froing, feeding young beside the main lake, just below my car/spit. So - it's true; the vast majority have done the biz and cleared off earlier than usual to warmer climes!.

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