Today was a guided walk day. The first thing that everybody commented on was the number of Gt. Crested Grebes there were, at least 20 were easily visible. A Shoveler whizzing over the main lake was later found on Fingers (lilypads) but the 4 Tufted came in to land at high speed. There were more Song Thrushes than of late and the Robin numbers have certainly increased going by the amount of territorial song. Unlike summer, you don't have to multiply by two! A male Blackcap was seen in the 'rough'; also a Gt. Spot and 13 Goldfinch, ten of which decided to harass a hovering Kestrel.
A treecreeper was heard briefly, Long-tailed Tits were zipping about, the feeding station was busy with tits and a few Chaffinch, and ten Cormorants were espied in their alternative roost on Kingsmead shortly after the '5 minute' race hooter was heard. EN & DB picked up a Kingfisher from the Kramer hide as it shot across the water. It landed in the back of a tree which had everyone trying to locate it (apart from EN & DB). Even with the 'scope, it was a difficult one, but, eventually, every one managed to see its head at least as it twisted during preening. It was id-ed as a young bird.
Round the corner on 'big Fingers', 3 Teal were semi-hidden under a "weeping" willow and a Moorhen spooked the only Gadwall of the day. A dozen Coot or more were making their way across to the island, having been herded to the main path shore by the sailing boats.
We looked at a few berry bushes on the way round. Here are a few more of my pics(better than the other post, I hope!)

Your next chance - November 29th (9am). Bound to be colder by then so wrap up.
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