TP had been trying to find a Kingfisher for his month list so we took great pleasure in telling him 2 had just flown out to the island and back to the south side. He didn't locate them again. Myself and John continued around the main lake checking out, a rather crowded canoe slalom, for Grey Wagtail on the way, a futile exercise.

Surprise of the morning was a Little Egret on West Fingers, in the fallen tree, seen from the end fishing swim. The pair of Great Crested Grebe were still sitting tight as were the Mute Swans. A Coot put in an appearance. Little of note on east Fingers although a Canada Goose fight was quite entertaining with 2 locked in a death grip before both disappeared below the water! I never new CGs could swim underwater but one certainly made it's escape by that route and the victor followed with just the tail showing above the surface.
In the crescent Reed Warblers have taken over the reed bed with the odd Reed Bunting and a Chiff is still singing in the trees around but a new Garden Warbler was also in the trees giving a good opportunity to compare this song with that of the Blackcap further along the Spit.
Heading along to the Steps another Chiff was singing and a Reed Warbler was singing by the Steps as we walked down to the Rough. Lesser Whitethroat was heard along with a couple more Chiffs and several Blackcaps as we walked alongside the Rough and turned down towards the Sedgewick Seat. We stopped there to look for Butterflies in the nettles and I thought I heard a couple of Wood Warbler trills and given the earlier post from TP I wish I had followed them up!
We continued along the Long Hedge and checked out the STW reed bed where the Sedge Warblers were still holding territory with at least 3 singing males seen/heard. We cut through the Long Hedge to New Meadow but the hoped for clutch of warblers failed to materialise this week with just Blackcap by the steps and Common Whitethroat some where in the meadow.
We cut back across the meadow and checked out the main lake for the Black Tern which was still flying about, frustratingly close to the south side! At the car park a Lesser Whitethroat was heard and located in fenced scrub on the east side of the car park. Willow Warbler was also singing. Another good morning in the park.
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