Early break - went for a stroll and found the 5 Canada goslings ... with this darling, little sixth one, that must be at least one week younger!
Mother swan sat very tight when I had a peep ... she was fully aware of me!
As we were watching the 'planes go over, Ed spotted a large bird, high in the sky. It was a Peregrine heading towards Cople (07:15). Two male Gadwall were aerially chasing a female over our heads for some time. We were also entertained by a pair of Cuckoos before Ed hurried off to work at 08:30. Popping out to the 'new meadow', I was rewarded with a Stock Dove about 09:00.
Todays totals (new/retraps) are:-
Song Thrush 1/- (male, hatched '06),
Blackbird 1/- (male),
Wren -/1,
Dunnock 1/2,
Robin 4/- (all recently fledged juveniles),
Reed Warbler 2/- (both young males in sub-optimal habitat),
Whitethroat 1/- (young female),
Garden Warbler 1/-,
Blackcap -/2 (probably a pair since they were caught adjacent to a known nest),
Chiff -/2 (both originally caught at the beginning of April),
Blue Tit -/1 ( a well sh***ed out 2CY male, 50% bald but a very good weight) &
Chaffinch 1/-.
On two occasions, I was greeted by a very young face appearing at my feet. In the photo below, he/she was unsure whether to cross the rack or no; I was lucky to get any pic at all.

PS. Orange 454 is a 2001 hatchling (local), ringed in 2002.
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