Friday, November 09, 2012

Sunday 4th November - Volunteers

Locals will have noticed that it was a bit wet on Sunday, however this did not deter the volunteers, 6 of whom splashed around in the main lake attempting to build a new sluice to control the water overflowing at the Beach. During periods of high water, excess water overflows into the navigation channel. The overflow has gradually migrated down the Beach and was cutting away the bank, so the new sluice is being used to control the water and prevent the bank, and nearby path, being eroded.

The first task was to damn up the current outflow to allow us to work without water pouring through. This was easier said than done but we eventually managed to reduce the outflow to a trickle.

Water Vols! (Picture courtesy of Daniel Fellman)

The next step was to get the wood in place bring the bank height back up to the level of the surrounding ground. This wood is all reclaimed from the recent work done by the EA on the river at Cardington Lock. While this was being done half the volunteers started building the first section of the sluice and got that in place, closely followed by the second section.

The last task for the day was to join the sluice and the dam which was completed despite a shortage of nails!

We didn't have time to finish the rest of the sluice, a task for another day, but well done to everyone who turned out on such miserable day.

On the bird front, given the weather it was unsurprising that there was little moving. A Kingfisher was a nice spot by Danny and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over. Of course the wildfowl were very happy, nice weather for ducks as they say!

The new sluice in action later in the week (picture courtesy Daniel Fellman)

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