Little Egbert - 1 in the "corners", Redwing - 3+ blogging round the 'rough', Siskin - 2 over, ad.fem Sparr on a mission, Chiffs - "a few", Hobby - 1S over the 'beach', Sky Lark E calling loudly, Mipits 2+ over, Jay 1 'south-side' + 1 'long hedge', fem.Kestrel hunting over the 'rough', Blackcap 3 (2 in 'rough', 1 in VC car park; 2 male, 1 fem.), House Martins - 7 or more feeding up, Sand Martin 1S (late, on its tod) , Mistle Thrush 1N (E side of main lake). The BTCV2 [EDG & JA] also had a C. Buzzard over the 'crescent'.

Ringing totals (25 new/11 re-traps; 10 spp.): Wren 1/-, Song Thrush 1/-, Redwing 1/-, Blackcap 2/-, Goldcrest -/1, Blue Tit 4/5, Great Tit 6/4, LT Tit -/1, Greenfinch 7/-, Goldfinch 3/-.
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