Wednesday, July 09, 2008

CES - visit 7,

Juvenile Willow Warbler

8th July; weather - cloudy with a fair breeze, becoming sunny with lighter winds.

Not one of our best days; just 14 birds in the regular CES nets, plus 5 more in an extra net.
Wren -/4/3 (ad/juv/rt); Dunnock 1/1/-; Robin -/1/-; Garden Warbler 1/-/1; Chiff -/2/-; WILLOW WARBLER -/1/-; Blue Tit -/1/-; Gt.Tit -/1/1; Bullfinch 1/-/-.
Again, there were many young Wrens. One of the GT.Tits came from the local box, the other had not been ringed. The Chiffs were both very young females that hda probably just fledged.
The young Robin had a red breast but a spotty head. The Bullfinch was a 2CY male. The new Garden Warbler was also a 2CY bird and the retrap was a nesting female. The 'Willie' was the first here for the year.

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