29th May - CES day, up early, put nets up (easy now that there's no overhanging stuff). Dull first half, then sunny second half. Or should that be 'good first half, dull second half?' A catch of 24 birds is about par at this time of year in 6 hours. As before, tally was:
Wren 3/0 (all fems), Dunnock 2/3 (new juvs & 2 old birds from '03), Robin nil, Song Thrush 1/0 (2CY male), Blackbird 3/1 (couple of new juvs), Reed W 2/0, LESSER W/THROAT 1/0, (there are 2 pairs in the 'rough' and this is the only one we've caught!),

Whitethroat nil, Garden W 1/0, Blackcap 1/1, Chiff 0/3, LTT 1/0 (a juv). Magpies annoying all the other nesters.
Report of 2 Otters "playing" by the main hide am, noisy kids frightened off the beasts.
30th May - not quite so early, rather damp but finished before 9am. Down on the 'crescent' we trapped:
8 Reed W (target sp.), 1 juv Blackcap, 1 r/t fem Reed Bunt., 3 juv LTT and already ringed 'dad', and a 2CY male Blue Tit.
Report of Otter fishing early am. off the main path, 'beach' end.
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