An overcast morning with a strong easterly breeze. Many more Swallows in today with up to 18 at a time perching in the dead tree at the end of the Spit.
Joined occasionally by the odd Sand Martin.
Sand Martin
Highlight of the morning was the Black-Tailed Godwits over on Fenlake Meadows. There were 11 remaining of the original 20+. As reported by others they were mostly feeding but seem quite flighty now, making several flights around the park. While stood at the Rough gate watching Martins and Swallows they passed over. And while watching them from the Fenlake side of the river they made several flights, one when a Sparrowhawk passed overhead.

Black-Tailed Godwits in flight

Black-Tailed Godwits coming into land

Black-Tailed Godwits
Also on Fenlake were a pair of Shelduck, always nice to see.

3 Lapwing were displaying over Fenlake, 2 Little Egret and 8 Teal were also seen. A couple of Sedge Warblers were singing on the Fenlake side of the river.
Back in the park at the Sewerage Farm reed bed Sedge Warblers were singing, 3 according to DK. Also in the navigation channel was a Male Tufted Duck with a female Mallard.
1 comment:
Darren Oakley-Martin reported a female Ring Ouzel on closely cut walkway south of the river, chased by two male Blackbirds into scrub by the fenced-off flooded pools on Fenlake.
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