On Kingsmead a Fox was keeping an eye on things until a Crow gave him ear ache! Several Pheasants, 16 Canada Geese and 6 Moorhen were also present.
I had a walk around Fingers and the main lake. As I went up past the Sedgewick seat again, a pair of Gadwall and a pair of Teal were seen tucked in round the back. A Chiffchaff was singing strongly along the path between the Dead Seat and the steps. It moved along in front of me, as I walked along the path, before moving off into the Rough. It was very flighty and was heard singing strongly again when I was on the spit, sounded like it was back where I first saw it. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen/heard drumming in the dead tree by the Dead Seat. No sign of the Coots on Fingers again but the Great Crested Grebes were still about on west Fingers. Two splendid male Tufted Ducks were on east Fingers. The male Mute Swan was also about.
Nothing around the Crescent although as I came out onto the main path 2 Shelduck flew over north east. 2 red headed Goosander flew in to the main lake at the beach end. No other ducks, other than Mallards, seen on the main lake. A few Great Crested Grebe, 6 Cormorant and 5 Mute Swan were on the lake.
I stopped to look out over Fenlake and was rewarded by 5 displaying Lapwing and a Kingfisher flying along the river upstream. As I continued around the main lake another Kingfisher was seen flying from the south west corner, heading east in front of the south side fishing swims.
Although little else of note it was great just listening to all the bird song from the regulars which are really getting into gear now.
A couple of the less popular park residents:

Canada Goose
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