It turned out to be a long day in the park with an 7am start at Kramer hide. It was quite cold early on but the appearance of the sun soon warmed things up. It was very quiet with little of note seen. A pair of Little Grebe, in front of the hide, were quite mobile, working most of the water in front of the hide, during the morning. One came very close to the hide early on:

I met EN at 09:30 for a session putting up new nest boxes for Blue and Great Tits. These were placed in the Rough, the Sheep Pen and along the new woodland walk. We also fixed a couple of boxes that were already in the area of the woodland walk. These had been "opened up" by Woodpeckers and now have shiney metal plates to deter them in future. Despite all the people working on the new woodland walk a Fox took the time to wander past. While looking around the small plantation next to the Sheep Pen we heard a Chiffchaff singing which sounded like it was somewhere in the Sheep Pen.

The first catch of the day
After a cup of tea we headed down to the rough to do some ringing. The highlight was a Great Spotted Woodpecker that will forever be known as the "Vampirepecker" after its assault on EN's finger.
The "Vampirepecker"
John (BTCV) reported a Jay, over the far side of Kingsmead, in the afternoon.
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