Very little to shout about this morning. No Otters at Kramer hide. There were 2 Little Egrets on roost until about 07:30. The Corvids were very noisy as usual but left in dribs abd drabs this morning rather than the usual mass exodus. A juvenile Mute Swan was feeding in front of the hide for a while before moving off around the lake.
On east Fingers there were 4 Shoveller (3m1f) and a Tufted Duck. No sign of the Goldeneye. On west Fingers there were at least 3 Little Grebe although all but one were in the reeds so possibly more. The pair of Great Crested Grebes were doing a bit of mirroring for a while but didn't go any further. There were a pair of Mute Swans one of which had an orange ring, so not the original resident pair. Couldn't get the number but wonder whether 500 is back on her old patch?
Best of the morning was the Siskins in the Alders by the crescent which were in the low branches and very approachable to within 5m. There were at least 7 and some stayed for a picture, sadly a bit grainy due to the low light level. Shame they weren't about in the sun yesterday:

Plenty of Mute Swans on the main lake again (c.45) and about 14 Cormorants counted from the north side of the lake.
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