Walkies this am around Fingers produced: 8 Heron, 3 Dabchick, 1 Tufted, 2 Wigeon, 9 Gadwall, 8 Shoveler, 3 Teal, 8 Mute Swans with 4 cygnets. Up above - 2 House Martins, sunning Great Spots., a vocal Chiff, 3 Bullfinch, 3 Song Thrushes, many Robins inter-acting & several Sky Larks. The Moorhens that had a late brood of 5 seem to have gotten at least 4 to fully grown.

Went back at 3pm and set the nets up. We were hoping for lots of Redwing and Blackbirds. Ha ha. Actual total wasn't bad, as follows (retraps in brackets) - wren (1), dunnock 5 - all youngsters (supposed to have been a passage movement), blackbird 1(2), Redwing 2, Reed Warbler 1 fat imm., Blackcap 1 even fatter imm. female, Lotti 3(3), blu tit 6(1) - the most we've caught all year, gt. tit 1, CHAFFINCH 10, greenfinch 6, goldfinch 5. Also caught 6 greenfinch & 8 goldfinch in the garden soon after first light.
Lots of Jackdaws piled in to roost and chacked away for a good twenty minutes. Not many crows in there tonight unless they came in from a different (non-visible) direction. A very large corvid with a slow wing-beat went east (towards Sandy) - was it a Raven.
Tonight's sunset (It got better -
- but we were too busy!)
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