The best CES session so far this year in that we caught 43 juveniles and 9 adults of 12 spp. It rained as we put up the nets and for the next 2 hours, not heavy but enough to get wet. This didn't stop the birds and we spent most of the time clearing the nets. Processing took place in the drier interludes! The weather improved later. Three Swallows, six Swifts and plenty of House Martins up above and both woodpeckers travelling back and forth over the site.
Caught our third hybrid Phyllosc. of the year; like the others, it was more Chiff in shape and tone but with Willow upperparts, legs and wing formula. We have been getting these ever since the steep decline in Willow Warblers back in the late 1990s, but not every year. None have ever been retrapped - does this say something, like infertility, maybe?
Today's tally was 13 Blackcaps, 10 Goldfinch, 8 Greenfinch, 6 Blackbird, 4 Wren, 2 Chiff, 2 Willies, 2 Garden Warblers (their peak has passed), and single Robin, Chaffinch, Dunnock & Bullfinch. So far this year, we have ringed 57 Blackcaps; we hope to reach 75 at least. (The highest ever was 107 back in 1994).

The lower pic. shows the Phyllosc hybrid with the rounded Chiff-shaped wing with only the five outermost primaries emarginated. [It also has Willow secondaries, not obvious here]
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