Sunday, January 28, 2007

Priory Diary - Spring Programme


Wed 14th 7:00pm -Illustrated talk by Graham Bates - "The Galapagos Islands"
Tel: Marion 870321 Admission £1.50

Sun 25th 9:00am - The Park in winter, guided walk by the Ranger
Tel: Jon 211182


Thu 1st 7:30pm - Start of a six week bee keeping course.
Tel: Jon 211182

Wed 14th 7:30pm - Talk by Andy Fleckney "Managing a Nature Reserve".
Tel: Marion 870321 Admission £1.50

Sun 25th 9:00am - Guided Walk for all ages
Tel: Jon 211182


Wed 11th 7:30pm - AGM and illustrated talk by Peter Walker - Identifying Wild Flowers.
Tel: Marion 870321 Admission £1.50

Sun 22nd 9:00am - Guided walk and bird ringing demonstration
Tel: Errol 211182


Sunday 6th 4:45am - Annual Dawn chorus walk (hot drinks , afterwards) .
Tel: Errol 211182

All events start at, or are held in, the Visitor Centre, Priory Country Park, unless otherwise stated. Walks last about 2 hours.

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