Monday, April 30, 2007

This weekend at Priory (28/29th April)

Fairly quiet this weekend all the regular birds about. A Garden Warbler has been showing well around the gate to the rough. Also saw a fox in the Rough on Saturday morning while standing chatting to Errol. Errol then spotted a group of waders flying North East below the tree line. These turned out to be Bar Tailed Godwits, a number of which were moving through the county over the weekend.

The Mute Swans on the main lake seem to have abandoned their nest over the weekend as I didn't see either bird on the nest Saturday or Sunday. The Great Crested Grebes on Fingers seem to have settled on a new nest although that too was abandoned early Sunday morning but it was occupied again just before I left.

Both Sparrowhawk and Kestrel were seen during the weekend.

On Sunday morning I watched, from the dead seat, as a Muntjac walked out along one of the fingers to take a drink.

Still only a small number of Common Terns about and Sand Martin numbers vary wildly depending on the weather. There were hardly any on Saturday but numbers were growing steadily during Sunday morning and there around 45 mostly Sand Martins but with a few House Martins and Swallows mixed in by the time I left the park around mid morning.

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